Japan 2017 Fall

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Yuri got a new pet.

Emily gave me a letter. Translation: "To Daddy, I love you. You're cute and cool"

Driver training starts early in Japan.

After school Emily built a skyscraper. It's taller than she is. I didn't help; she built it herself.

At a festival. The extra kid on the left is Tomoka-chan, Yuri and Emily's cousin.

Japan has a very distinct odor to it. Very much unlike anywhere in the US. It is hard to describe the background scent of Japan, but it is something i miss when i'm not there, for it is far more pleasant than anything at home. A large part of that odor comes from this fragrant plant, the kinmokusei.

Yuri came home from school with these new friends. I'm glad she's not afraid of animals, even if they are slimy.

I expected Yuri to let the snails go, but instead she got out a book that shows what to feed them, and now they are in a ventilated box with some carrot and cabbage.

Cooking with acorns.

Kitty-chan cake for Emily's birthday.

Kids insisted i take their picture this morning. Yuri was all gussied up in preparation for her piano test.

Yuri likes mascot characters.

Rabbit Island has lots of rabbits. Go figure.