Japan 2014 Winter

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Waiting for the right train.

My train. Even slowing down as it enters the station it still moves too fast for my camera.

First meal in Japan. A bento box commerating the 50th anniversary of the shinkansen.

Emily dressed as a Christmas elf. She’s not amused.

I brought my grandmother’s old Christmas tree to Japan and set it up.

Yuri’s birthday dinner.

Yuri got an Elsa cake for her birthday.

Opening presents.

Decorating the tree.

Getting ready for a photo shoot.

Professional photo.

Professional photo.

Yuri wanted to make me popcorn.

I was sick. Noriko’s mom made me a traditional stew that is given to sick people.

Futons ready for bed. Houses don’t have central heat, so it gets cold at night. The comforter on top is about 8 inches thick.

My favorite brand of matcha latte.

One of my favorite milk teas.

I really wish Minute Maid would release this product in the US. It is honey yuzu. Kind of like honey lemonade but with yuzu instead of lemon.

Time to make some pizza!

Start with hand washing.


Mmmmm. Cheese.

Toppings time!

Oven time.