Japan 2014 Winter

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Making a label while the pizza cooks.

Here it comes!

Entering the finished pizza into the computer.

Nap time with Ryou-kun.


This kitchen set was a truly international effort. Designed in France. Made in China. Purchased in Japan with instructions in Japanese. Assembled by an American.

Yuri likes her Elsa dress. She looks a bit pudgy because of the 4 layers of clothes underneath it. (Necessary because of the lack of central heat in Japanese homes.)

This is “Yuri’s Room”. Noriko’s mom’s room has a John Malkovich door that opens up into a space a bit over a meter high, several meters wide, and maybe 1½ meters deep. The area just inside the door is cleared of stuff and Yuri uses it as a space for playing with dolls without Emily’s interference.

Everyone but Yuri and me were sick with influenza. So i took Yuri to the park.

After the park we went to Makudonarudo (McDonald’s). I wish the crab croquette burger was available in the US.

Sick people in Japan wear masks to help prevent spreading their disease.

Before New Year’s people go to amusement parks in the mountains at night. Where it is cold, dark, rainy, and windy.

We went to the park with some of Yuri’s friends. Yuri is on the right.

Winter flowers.

Imagawayaki. One of my favorite snacks. The outside is like a pancake, and the inside is azuki bean paste.

There was a huge snowfall. In this part of Japan, “huge” means about 2 centimeters accumulation that melted within a few hours.